Matcha Roll Cake
Matcha Roll Cake
This is a beautiful roll-cake that is easy to make once you get the hang of it. The key tip is to ensure the wet mixture is thick before adding the dry ingredients. Great for afternoon tea, birthday parties or just as a special treat.
Ingredients: Sponge
45g Standard Flour
10g Cornstarch
5g Matcha Powder
4 Large Eggs (Size 7)
100g Granulated Sugar
Ingredients: Cream
150ml Cream
15g Granulated Sugar
Step 1:
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius
Step 2:
Line a standard cooking dish (We use 26 cm x 39 cm) with baking paper.
Alternative dish size 27 cm x 27 cm
Step 3:
Sift flour, cornstarch, and matcha into a medium sized bowl. Set aside.
Step 4:
In a large bowl add eggs and sugar. Beat until thick (approx. 8 min).
Step 5:
Add dry mixture to wet mixture. Slowly beat until mixed well (approx. 1 - 2 min).
Step 6:
Pour mixture into tray evenly. Drop tray a couple of times from approximately 5cm height to remove air bubbles.
Step 7:
Bake for approximately 14 minutes at 180-degree Celcius. The mixture should be baked through.
Step 8:
Remove from oven and drop tray again from a height of 5 cm to prevent shrinking. Allow sponge to cool.
Step 9:
Whip cream with sugar until thick.
Step 10:
Remove sponge from the tray, keeping baking paper attached and place on a board. Spread cream mixture over the sponge, allowing slightly more cream on the front side.
Step 11:
Gentle roll mixture, tucking the cream in and removing the paper as you go.