Life hack: A quick and easy matcha latte or cappaccino

Life hack: A quick and easy matcha latte or cappaccino

Wabi Matcha Macha Cappuccino Latte Kmart Milk Frother

Happy days ahead; discover a life hack for making a super delicious, super speedy matcha latte or sipping matcha.  If you have a busy day ahead and can’t spare the time to enjoy the tea making process, then this life hack is for you…

Traditionally when you make a sipping tea, matcha latte or matcha-cappuccino, you will need to go through a few steps to create your masterpiece & this requires time and a few tools to achieve creamy matcha perfection.  Like most things, taking the time to do things right will result in a better final result but we think we have found a fairly close substitute that will save you a lot of time.

Kmart Milk FrotherThe key to the process is purchasing a milk frother.  There are plenty of these around nowadays, especially on the back of the popularity of Nespresso capsule machines.  We tracked down a reasonable priced one from Kmart for NZD$34 (Click Here to View).  This milk frother is great as it has two attachments to either make a super frothy cappuccino or less frothy latte and it heats the water or milk to approx. 65 degrees.  While it is not the perfect temperature for whisking matcha goodness, it serves its purpose and the end result is a nicely heated drink to enjoy immediately.

Matcha or Houjicha Latte/Cappuccino
  • 1 tsp of Matcha*
  • Milk**
  • Sweetener*** (optional)

Add all ingredients to your milk frother, making sure you select the appropriate tool to texturise the milk - without the wire spiral is for a latte; turn on.  Yip, in about 2 minutes you will have a perfectly warmed matcha latte to really is that easy!


Wabi Matcha Macha Latte Cappuccino Life Hack Kmart Milk Frother

* If using Wabi Matcha Premium, you will only need ½ a teaspoon.  If using Wabi Collagen & Matcha, Wabi Cafe, Wabi Sencha Aroma or Wabi Houjicha, we recommend 1 tsp.

** Looking for a non-dairy alternative?  We recommend using soy milk as it tends to texturise better than other non-dairy alternatives; we tested almond milk & coconut milk.

*** Sweetener is purely optional, but as a guide we recommend ¼ tsp of Maple syrup.  From experience, we have landed on Queens Maple Syrup as the best for this - 100% pure and the flavour is richer than cheaper alternatives.  Likewise, honey can make a great sweetener.

Suggested alternative for more matcha flavour:

To create a stronger matcha flavour, we recommend mixing your matcha with 70 mls of hot water as if you were preparing a sipping matcha; then heat and add milk to your cup separately.  We find the water helps release the matcha flavours better.

Wabi Houjicha Cappuccino

For something lower in Caffeine, try a Houjicha Latte.  Due to the roasting process, the caffeine is greatly reduced; making it a fantastic drink for those sensitive to caffeine or a treat for the kids.

Wabi Matcha macha houjicha latte cappaccino kmart milk frother

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